Saturday 15 May 2010

Them youths

I am often on occasion called on to give the youth of today a seminar or two for them.

It is not without thinking a bit beforehand, of course. How can I possibly - how can anyone - squeeze my multitudinous brains into the straightjacket of a weekend's intensive lecturing at them? It's not a job to be undertaken by a mere mortal, I tell you. And them to whom I was talking towards.

Still, I spilled forth as much as I could, and they seemed to appreciate it. Indeed, many of them sat there stunned into a silence that one would usually associate with copious intake of the old Mangers.

Theer really isn't that much wrong with them. Not much at all.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Gordon flippin' Bennett! Just in time, eh?

It has been brought to my attention that there is an 'election' going on today.

It's a shocking state of affairs, it most sincerely is, when I have to be asked who I want running the country, when there is such a clear and obvious answer staring me right in the mirror.

Still, it's democracy I'm told and so I'll be popping down the postbox later this evening just after Corrie to stuff my contribution to the franchise into the sack of the Royalty Mail.

So come on, Postie, don't be slow, don't go postal and go, man, go!