Wednesday 23 June 2010


Here's the Genius Amanuensis following me around in his usual disguise, and clearly with nothing better to do.

One of many, of course, all trying to catch a decent likeliness of yours truly up front.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Election result shizzle

During my whistlestopping tour of the more delicate parts of Europe, I was lucky enough to be elected Obersturmbannpompadour of Bratislava.

I celebrated this unexpected bit of good fortune with a local yokel, who was clearly the worse for drink.

Monday 21 June 2010


Today I am completely revamped blogwise in my absence as I tour the great parts of Europe I have not been up before. Tout a coup!

Keep watching for further expansion of this magnificent cyberorgan of mine.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Jenga The Giant

Giant jenga or tiny man?

Here's a clue: check-out the size of his helmet.

Monday 7 June 2010

Our wedding day

A very special day for me and my significant others.

Friday 4 June 2010

Pet's corner

Isn't it marvellous? And a real curiosity of naturalness?

I am, of course, talking of man's relationship with animals. I didn't need to tell you, I'm sure.

But not that sort of relationship, Beattie. I'm talking more of affection and companionship and having a little furry friend to stroke in those small dark hours when one's hands need occupying against the temptations of the devil, whomsoever you may be.

So, yes, how curious that one should gain such comfort from an animal with whom you cannot communicate other than as a source of food.

And curiouser still, that phenomenonenon by which the pet comes to resemble its feeder. A remarkable matter which cannot yet be accounted for by scientists or anyone else except for that crazy bunch of fools who claim that we choose our pets because they look like us. Sheer madness, yet something in it, I think, indeed probably the truth and no more or less.

Anyway, here's a sneak preview of Dave 'Johnson' Johnson's beloved Tara, all primped up and ready for the Saturday nuptials. A striking resemblance.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Another great night for me

It's the usual thing, being on top form and dispensing wit with vim and vigour over all the patrons of Club Derrig, but on Friday I excelled myself.

See it all here, in both my parts.

Part One.

Part Two.