Monday 11 August 2008

Taking the Eire with Benji 1

Oh, the ignominy.

I have been forced back onto Mr. T as a standby, and am here in the Republic of Green with him partnering me to a wedding as my "plus 1".

Fortunately I have secured for our uses a rather delightful little place in the hills on the Welsh side of the border which comes fully-equipped and very well-appointed.

A shame one cannot say the same about Mr.T.

A good thing I had the foresight to attach myself to this little sortie through the unsuspecting offices of Dick 'Moneybuilder' Evans and his owner the Lady Mellifluous. Dick is here on a wedding party-cum-RNLI-fundraising effort, unware of the impact on the locals of seeing a rather challenging chap dressed in orange wandering around their village.

I can only hope there are no untoward occurrences.

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