Monday 5 July 2010

Eurotour 2010 Summary Report

A dump, apart from some kind of War of the Worlds
re-enactment-type-thing going on with their bridge.

The Danube
Boring river. Not blue.

Gourmet pork scratchings a cultural wonder.

Well pricey.

But the "The Sound of Music" tour, about a film with a name of the same,
is a definite must for any single man wanting to meet people
with similar interests viz. nuns, Nazis, lederhosen, and tra-la-la-ing children-kids.

And on the subject of Adolfs, can I say that
I thought the so-called "Fuhrer's" Beer Garden was a bit overblown.
Very over-ostentatious for such a big loser.

Still, I'm catching up with Twin of Evil A's number of countries visited, so all this rubbish was probably worth it in the long run.

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