Friday 19 November 2010

Eating out Lebanesian-style

It is a difficulty for me to recall rightly any previous occasion before on which I dined and supped and dined and supped quite so magnificently in a Bristolian unplastered tunnel.

But I think the picture above brings to life beautifully the extragant and sumptuous delights spread before me to such mouth-wateringly dribblesome effect. Yes, I was truly brim-full to the epiglottis and almost on spilling point, requiring me to stand perfectly upright and not tilt my head in any direction, but in a good way. Now that's what I call a sign of a good night's gut-stuffing and no mistake.

And when I thought it could get no better I was presented with not just one but two complementary memento mori fridge magnets to remind me of what will forever live with me, and my dining companions, as 'The Night Of The Garlic Sauce and beer'.

In the words of the traditional Lebanesian saying - "What a life!"

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