Thursday 13 November 2008

Newsflash! Rolf to remake Two Little Boy shit

Rejoice! Rejoice!

After several letters I've dashed off to the World's Greatest living Australian, my prayers have been answered.

Yes, it's the news Beattie and I have been waiting for, stood here in our quilted housecoats, smoking our pipes and tapping our slippered feet: Wolf is to re-record his classic tearstained-tiny-tot-mucking-about-on-pretend-horses-wartime-drama of the the pair of fightingest young lads. Emetic doesn't even go near the power of this neo-disastrous piece of the didgerdooer's vocalistic art.

We have been re-enacting the story every night in my pyjamas, hoping against hope for a glorious release.

It's about time, and definitely one for stuffing up your Christmas stocking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

""I thought it was really namby-pamby and awful" – Rolf Harris