Monday 7 September 2009

To Iceland!

Yes, dear readers, you read it a-right. I am "en Iceland" as the locals have it.

I have exiled myself and the swarthy Beattie for a week in this arctic hell-hole purely on the basis that I am informed that here we can find ourselves a few handsomely-gushing geezers.

Personally, I'm especially looking forward to being dappled by some "Midnight Son".

But it won't all be fun and games, no not much indeedy-so. We'll also be setting out on an expedition or two, including one to a glazier who, from what is being spread about by the populus, is receding.

Watch out for my Amazing Iceland! bulletins over the next few days and some therefater.

And if there's anything you might want me to bring back, drop me a line at the usual address.

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