Friday 4 November 2011

Somewhat anonymous

No, not that easy at all

After years of intensive up-the-job training I am pleased to say that the Genius Amanuensis has finally graduated from Button Boy school, and was yesterday called upon to display his mettle in the face of an angry crowd.

I am obliged to report to you all that he passed with almost flying colours, having only once fallen prey to the bugbear of Button Boys throughout history - hairy-trigger - going off early just the once.

A shame though that his prowess was not marked by any of the dash, style, grace, and panache that marks one out as a master button-depresser, and he is, I fear, likely to remain nameless and forgettable in his newly-elevated role.

For instance, who could forget that magical moment when I was manning the knob and - just to break what was a tense and torrid atmosphere with a splash of humour - gave them all a brief blast of the Greek Finance Minister.

Possibly my proudest moment.

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