Friday 16 December 2011

Secret satan - another big let-down

I didn't think things could sink any lower than the rag-bag of gifts touted round in the All-New Club DerrigTM secretive Satan team-dismantling exercise that we endured last year.

How wrong I was, with only the Genius Amanuensis getting something he wanted this year, and the rest of us putting up with the bleak gleanings of yuletide market-stall knock-off bargains and mystery objets d'mart.

Perhaps the real low-lights though were the upper-lip-hair-enhancing kit won by Shazza:

And the gift to end all gifts, an unfinished sock, won by someone who used to work in Team Derrig, whose name escapes me, but whose foot is unmistakeable, having had it on my neck a fair few times:
Here's hoping that next year sees a massive upshifting quality-wise, and that a second sock at least is forthcoming.

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