Thursday 23 October 2008


"...a rich and famous lifestyle..."

Club Derrig has been just as hard hit as the banks and other financial institutions as we are all washed over by a tidal wave of credit crunchings. And I have been financially smashed on a personal basis.

No longer can I this week live a rich and famous lifestyle.

In the words of Gordo Broon, our beloved Chancellor, "With exogenous fertility, it has been shown that the government can mandate the first-best outcome by simply imposing the socially optimal transfer. By contrast, with endogenous fertility, the government can no longer enforce this outcome."

I couldn't have put it better, or more intelligibly, myself.

This is at the heart of why Club Derrig will be unable to extend any further credit provisions between now and Friday, and is in the process of approaching Mad Dicky "Cashbuilder" Evans for a bail-out-rescue-type-have-a-wedge-why-don't-you-23%-daily-interest Plan.

We don't have much choice.

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