Thursday 29 October 2009

Have you seen my little chap?

He's gone missing!

It's not like the last time what when he went walkabout on a laydee-targetting mission.

This is an important prototype dolly of me mixed up with a little Mozza, and can be recognised by the witty phrases that he spouts when pressure is applied to his tummy and thereabouts. These phrases will remind any laydee of the romantic loveliness that is me all over, viz.

"Not now, eh? It's Nazis in Colour on."

"I'll have a guess one."

"It'll have to wait - I'm buffing-up my Nightcrawler."


"Give me a minute, I'm sure I'll find it down here somewhere."

"Oooops. Sorry. Bit over-eager."

and of course, the old favourite


There is of course a small reward for anyone who locates my little chap and returns it in good condition and washed.

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