Friday 19 March 2010

Eminent women

I have been on a search for eminent women, as is my desire.

Yes, I am currently looking for women of fame and repute of the positive kind (it is, after all, all too easy to find those of the other sort, as you will tell from a simple scan of your locale I am sure.)

I am drawing up a list for publication in a leather-bound tome (to be sold at a reasonable price) of those women who have made positive contributions in the field of the arts and sciences; women who have governed well; women who have performed great services for their nations; for their fellow women; or indeed for all mankind - not even caring that some of us are men.

It will be a list to end all lists of eminent women of great eminence, consisting of pages of detailed biographical information and analysis of the vast contributions they have made.

There will also be pictures and witty, thought-provoking, or simply provocative quotations from these builders of the world as we know it now.

This will be a list of the stars of the sisterhood, their names and deeds shining off the very pages on which they are writ up on.

Rush me your nominations now.

I'm a bit stumped, myself.


Anonymous said...

Well, mattering on the dates you would like to set for yourself of how far back you would like to go in history; you could use Queen Elizabeth I since she created the Golden Age in England and was extremely shrewd with foreign policy. She is known as one of England's greatest rulers...and a woman, of course.

check out my blog if you get a chance:

Col said...

Well, Queen Elizabeth I!

What a sensational start to my list - a monarch and a virgin to boot.

Thank you lauraelizabeth, whomsoever you may be.

Big Col

Amanda Kendal said...

I think you should start even earlier, with Boudicca – giving the Romans a damned good spanking after they 'were rude' (that a euphemism for 'raped' in the old Ladybird books) her daughters.