Wednesday 17 March 2010

Green Day

Well, it certainly rolls round regularly, this annual event, don't it?

The one day in the year you can all get merrymakered and paint the town green with all your shenanigans and whatnot.

But I for one am preparing for a counter-onslaught against all the prejudice and stereotyping of my proud race and the Irish.

It's not all about drinking and dancing and fighting.

Yes, have a good time. Go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go gogogogogogogo on.

But remember on this day our proud history and all the small part I have put into it.

Remember on this day - the day of days - the island of rain all the time.

Remember on this day of all days our traditions of not at all drinking, dancing, or fighting all that much more than anyone else on average (upper quartile).

But above all, on this day of all days, of all days I say again, I call on you to remember to dress up your pets.

You knows they love it.

Och aye! 'Tis St. Pet-Tricks Day!

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