Thursday 8 September 2011

Casus Belli: Bronte

One of them Bronte bunch

I am a great admirer of old-type books full of all that grandiose languifying and romancing up the laydeez and whatever.

And I also enjoy a good old chinwag of literary criticism matters, especially those conducted on the higher intellectual planes.

Lacan...Althusser...Levi-Strauss - I can't get enough of them and their crazy denim fashions.

So, imagine my unbounded delight at having the good fortune to be quite literally sandwiched between the Twins of Evil as they tongue-lashed each other over none other than one or other of the Brontes.

I have tried to remember the full content of the discussion, and render it faithfully here as follows:

Twin of Evil 1: That's shit'n'all, that Wuthering one.

Twin of Evil A: You shut the fack up, you.

I think it's fair to say Twin of Evil A landed the winning blow.

I am now very much looking forward to the next Laydeez Book Club, which is scheduled for 12 three-minute rounds, and could be settled by a Knock-Out.

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