Friday 29 February 2008

Laid up

It appears I have succumbed to the condition known as "Skyatica".

For the past few weeks I have been unable to move from my chair or sofa without experiencing a great deal of pain, bordering on a feeling of loss. Other symptoms include a pain behind the eyes, a numbing of my critical faculties, and a certain amount of rigor mortis in the hand, making it difficult to, for example, let go of the remote.

I have been in touch with a specialist who has advised me to take gentle exercise and consider changing my lifestyle.

Apparently it happens to a lot of people who buy a new telly and get access to ALL sorts of channels on a 24/7 availability.

As soon as the repeat of last week's run of Maori is complete - it does, after all, work on many different levels and bears viewing time and again for every nuance - I will give good thought to getting off my sickbed and phoning in sick.

Which would be convenient as there's a Start Rek marathon starting.


Anonymous said...

Is that one of the twins of evil walking all over you there Col?

Col said...

I am beset by drongoes of the lowest order.
TWINS of evil. TWINS. There's two of them. They come in a pair. And EVIL. EVIL? Like really really bad. Like NOT doing therapeutic massage and other good stuff. Beacuse they are EVIL.
So NO it's not.