Tuesday 1 April 2008

Detection overload strain problem

A spiv writes:
Dear Uncle Colin,
I have exhausted my reserves through deployment of my wizard detective skills in solving the case of the missing fiver and the few bob. I am trying to relax and recuperate my sleuthing abilities, but simply can't get the time what with work and the lady wife's demands. Can you show me a simple way of getting some quality chill-out time so I can get back to being a top 'tec and spiv?
Sam O'Striker

Uncle Colin advises thus and suchlike:

We need more like you on our team! Yes, I'm glad to be of help. Next time you have five minutes free, stare solidly for two minutes at the graphic at the top of this post. Sit close to the screen and do not let your concentration slip. After two minutes, look away quickly at a blank sheet of paper (best to have this prepared beforehand and not go stumbling around trying to find one as it'll mean having to start all over again) and - out of nothing - POOF! - an image of a very famous event will appear.

It's a fantastic illusion, but also an amazing way of giving the brainstuff what amounts to an oilbath and relaxing old massage.

(And, in the spirit of generosity, there's a prize for every reader who identifies the event correctly!)

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