Wednesday 28 May 2008

Me and the laydeez X

I just can't keep 'em away.

There I was enjoying a fish supper with the Genius Amanuensis at the world-famous Glasgee chippie "Roger Nose" and they beset themselves upon me and plied me with tea.

Despite the obvious hot and freshly-brewed temptations on offer, I was full of grub and unable to handle the pair in my customary caddish way. I made my excuses and left with the GA, fighting our way through a happy smiling throng of Glasgee well-wishers and amateur street-dancers to secure a taxi.

I was in already in me Planet of the Apes jim-jams and tucked up in bed before I realised I had left them the bill.



Anonymous said...

How could you leave such two gorgeous laydeez with the bill you cheap skate!

Col said...

Oh - very good - I saw what you did there cheap 'SKATE'. Very clever.

I shall say nothing about trout!