Monday 5 January 2009

Doctor New? No!

The world's biggest story was officially broken by the BeebBeebCeeb over the weekend when the new Doctor was announced.

Can I just say that I was atrociously dismayed by the revelation.

"Who?" was my initial reactionarism.

Never have I come across a decision so stupid in everso.

Firstly, the new bod is far too young.

Secondly, his nose is far too big.

Fifthly, who the heck on earth has heard of him afore?

A lot of people will criticise me for what I am about to say as unnecessarily and prejudically negatory.

The hoi-polloi will denounce me for denouncing the poor chap before he even has the chance to display his credentials.

But it is my duty to tell you now, this 'Tom Baker' (whomsoever he may be) will never replace our grand dandy Doctor the Magnificent Bill Pertwee.

Come back in 6 months and see if I'm wrong!


Anonymous said...

And his hair's two wild, big and foppy-floppy

Col said...

Ghastly typo, old bean (assuming the foppy-floppy is what you meant as well)!

Anonymous said...

One wild. Two wild. Oh yes.