Can I be the first to congratulate in a net-wise type way the famous tobacco smoker Paul ‘Wacky’ Jacko on the birth of a famous scientist to him and his young laydee.
Wacky is of a erudite bent and can often be found with his head buried in a thick tome about the universe or insect-men or printers that can replicate your wildest desires.
Being so devoted to all things scientific it can be of little amazement that Paul’s offspring has been named after the pioneers of the golden age of enlightenment.
So raise your glasses to (deep breath) George Isaac Einstein Curie Planck Schrodinger Crick and Watson Finlay-Freundlich Kouhoutek Mandelbrot Moebius Masters and Johnson Bell Kellogg Lumiere Pascal Archimedes Sikorsky Heinz Einthoven Cousteau Baumann Hoover Kotelnikov Edison Lenoir Libby Ehrlich Priestly Olah Onsager Prigogine Ramsay Woodward Wollaston Flamel Freeman Hardy and Willis Jackson.
Good on you, Wacky!
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