Tuesday 9 October 2007

Off the rails

Journeying to Plymouth - where it is always International Talk Like A Pirate Day - I was disgusted to find that British Rail has fallen to a very low ebb. It's reliance on poorly-drafted hand-written notes on scraps of paper, appended to walls using whatever adhesive material comes to hand shows a shoddy attitude to the travelling public.

I was even more disgusted by the travelling public, however, and their inability to read and follow the simplest instructions. Fortunately my travelling companion on this occasion, Mr Christophulous Fabbulous, was available to put them right with a swift blow to the back of their heads while they stood there gawping at the sign and then directing them appropriately in a firm manner.

I remained calm and maintained my dignity incognito behind my newspaper, concealing the withering looks of superiority which passed across my handsome countenance.

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