Wednesday 17 September 2008

Avec Braisers 3

Braisers ecrit:

Report number three, SAH!

How the culture here varies from my own!

I have decided to venture onto the beach which I believe is safe to do as there is a green flag above the station of the enmuscled lifeguard whose life-saving trunks appear to have shrunk in the wash to the point of being quite "clenchy". I am sure it must be fashionable to have one's lower vitals gripped in quite such a manner but I am sure it won't catch on in Darlington, home of the famous tigers!

I am sunk deep in Proust who was a Frenchman of very ill-repute for writing interminably long sentences with masses of sub-clauses that just seemed to drift on and on, rather like the Longines Symphonette, or as if the sentence was powered by a perpetual motion machine that actually worked, without end and apparently without the need to say anything of any merit - which is a pretty disastrous way to go on if you ask me and clearly you did otherwise you wouldn't have asked for my reports in such an eager way - and without merit which makes me wonder how it is that he ends up having page after page of the most boring drivel put into a book that is virtually an experiment in monotony, unlike, for example, Gorgs Prc who did a full book of writing without using a vital glyph that falls twixt 'd' and 'f', a fantastic act and without parity.

The language is still utterly densely impenetrable.

Fortunately I am in possession of my Red-Snapper-cancelling headphones and can read virtually undisturbed by her photographickery - not that she'd want any of me, so to speak.

Must take hat off.

Report ends.


Anonymous said...

C'est un bon chapeau. Tres bon. On acheter lui en Afrique de Sud. Or so I'm told.

Col said...

Had as a matter.