B.J. - A man of many shirtsDid I mention that I'm being considered as a contestant for 'Smartarses'?
It's a televisionical quiz game in which the world's finest minds pit their brains against a bunch of weirdos like the famously self-opinionated drama king B.J.
I see him as my greatest rival for camera-time on this momentous media moment, but feel I could take him with one arm up my jumper.
Bring it on!
There is a terrible rumour circulating round the Finance Department that Dicky Evans - when asked on camera if he could be anyone for a day out of the whole of history or fiction - said he would choose to be Kevin Egghead so he could sit next to CJ. Can you confirm this?
"What goes on tour stays on tour" has always been my nom-de-plum.
And as Beattie will frequnetly observe , discretion is the better part of value.
Too many people have been besmirched (good word that - I'll say it again) besmirched by idle tittle-tattle being bandied loosely about by those seeking to undermine or destroy a reputation.
Far too many good men have come to tragic ends as a result of this iniquitous gabbling of half-truths, lies, and slander, and hyperbolic mistatementry.
To confirm or deny such tawdry gossip would only serve to ruin the prospects of a young man who has struggled heroically with accountancy exams over almost the maximum allowed number of years and yet still manages to come up smiling as if unaware of the impact of a skinful of Mangers has on one's ability to crack on with the old studying.
I therefore must confine myself to my stock answer to confound the nay-sayers, blabbermouths, peaches, snitchers and narks and guttersnipes.
I say, "Yes".
Come on, he's just a lad. Give him a chance - not like you bunch of quickly-ageing galoots.
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